Genuinely gasped when I read that someone (in our industry too!) refuses to help to everyone. Am totally happy to be in the Superlove camp.

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I did too!

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Have you read Adam Grant's Give and Take? It is excellent.

The summary being that we can all, broadly, be categorised as Givers, Takers and Matchers and that the majority of those who experience the most "success" (where success includes contentment and relationships, not just piles of money) are Givers, but so too are those who end up worst off.

The difference is boundaries; not being a doormat Giver, basically.

I'm inclined to think privilege (in all senses, not just money) also plays a part in which type you are, as well as how it turns out for you. It's definitely a nicer way to move through life!

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I’ll have to look this up, Jen. Thank you.

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Lovely post! Are you following mine? I absolutely agree and those serendipitous connections are invaluable, though I do have a wary filter on for those whom I think are being exploitative of my time and there is a special place in that catagory for TV researchers.

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I do! Thanks lovely. I urge you to say yes!

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I couldn’t love this more. Your very own givers and ‘why not’ approach is admirable Gilly, role modelling (and sheer loveliness) at its best.

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🤗🤗🤗 Took my time to get here, mind, but loving it. Mind you, as Wendy says above, I’ve been all over superlove since my twenties. Xxx

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Great story, Gilly! Absolutely agree about give a little love - it's what love is for. You're a great woman in her prime - the only place to be!

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Bakatcha amazing woman xx

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Jun 25Liked by gilly smith

Here here. Love this Gilly xx

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Ah yes, Superlove. I remember you sharing it with me and doing it years ago. I struggled with it and couldn’t get out of the ‘but they don’t deserve it’ zone. I’m older and wiser now. 🙏🏻❤️😊

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Yup, blast from way back. Now with Google, I’ve just found out where I first heard about it. It’s from James A Michener’s The Drifters which I read on a beach in Thailand in 1985! “When they conk you on the head with their billysticks, zap them right back with superlove.” Must read it again: In this triumphant bestseller, renowned novelist James A. Michener unfolds a powerful and poignant drama of disenchanted youth during the Vietnam era. Against exotic backdrops including Spain, Morocco, and Mozambique, he weaves together the heady dreams, shocking tribulations, and heartwarming bonds of six young runaways cast adrift in the world--as well as the hedonistic pursuit of drugs and pleasure that collapses all around them. With the sure touch of a master, Michener pulls us into the private world of these unforgettable characters, exposing their innermost desires with remarkable candor and infinite compassion.

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What a lovely, uplifting read! And I know that Michael Mosely did an episode of Just One Thing (I haven't listened to it yet) that was all about the health benefits of being kind to others. It does feel that kindness finds its way to come back in different ways!

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